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- Jezebel Jorge
Need You Tonight
Need You Tonight Read online
Evernight Publishing
Copyright© 2013 Jezebel Jorge
ISBN: 978-1-77130-443-6
Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs
Editor: JS Cook
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Romance on the Go
Jezebel Jorge
Copyright © 2013
Chapter One
"That low down piece of shit."
Saffron bit into her lip as she watched the blond slink inside the motel room of the man she'd driven too far to see. The door closed and she dug her long fingernails into her palm, wishing she could claw out his eyes as easily as he'd torn up her heart.
"I oughta—"
"Go back home," Ashley suggested, her voice so meek it made Saffron cringe. "I've got to work the breakfast shift tomorrow."
Saffron flipped on the dome light of the Camaro and yanked down the visor to check her appearance in the mirror. Unhappy with what she saw, she attacked her hair with a brush and furiously applied more hairspray to her already spiky bangs.
"I can't believe Jim is cheating on me with the likes of that butt ugly ring rat." She applied an aptly named coat of Raging Bitch red lipstick and pursed her mangled bottom lip in a snarl. "I'm prettier than she is, aren't I?"
"Totally," Ashley nodded with her usual agreement and then surprised her by adding, "It's just... maybe you should have called him before we drove all the way down here."
"Don't go taking up for him." Saffron flipped the visor shut and snapped off the overhead light.
"I mean, you really could do a lot better than the likes of Jim Kent." Ashley frowned and gnawed nervously at her thumbnail before adding, "What do you see in him, anyway?"
"He's funny and smart and…" Saffron sighed, "and I don't know. It's just... he's not like all the other wrestlers, at least not until tonight."
"Maybe you should try to find a nice normal guy."
"I don't do normal." Saffron blinked back the tears welling in her eyes. "I'm not going to be the type of girl who sits at home waiting for the phone to ring."
"I don't know, maybe that's better than sitting here stalking a man you can't have."
"Stalking?" Saffron took a deep breath to swallow down her anger. "He's usually the one pursuing me. You know that."
"Yeah." Ashley gave her a tight-lipped smile. "So, maybe—"
"I should expand my horizons," Saffron said. "That new guy, what was his name? Tall, tanned and muscled."
"Mik, rhymes with Dick, Daring," Ashley did an almost perfect imitation of Jim's prissy promo voice before reverting to her usual Southern drawl. "That guy's so obnoxious he makes Jim seem like a nice person."
"Well, maybe I should try to find out exactly what kind of a dick Mik's really packing."
"Speak of the devil himself." Ashley ducked down in her seat as a red Chrysler La Baron pulled into the parking space just a few empty spots away from them.
There was Mik Daring sitting behind the wheel. His tag team partner, a big lumbering hulk of a man named Denny, popped open the trunk, grabbed his bag, and headed for the stairwell. Mik got out and stretched like they had been driving for hours instead of a few miles from the downtown TV studio.
Ashley giggled and said, "There you go."
"Fuck'n A." Saffron opened the car door, not even bothering with her usual second mirror check. She smoothed down a skirt that barely skimmed the lace trim of her fishnet stockings and approached Mik like a woman who'd never heard the word no.
"Hey," she said, her voice low and seductive.
"You were at the taping, first row facing the camera," he said, with a chipped New York kind of brashness. "Legs like that oughta come with a warning label."
"I'm Saffron, and yeah, that was me."
When he was in the ring in shiny Spandex trunks, a girl's eyes went straight to his muscled-up body. Up close like this, Saffron saw he had a face to match his awesome ass and bulging biceps. His eyes were expressive, almost as dark as his short, spiky hair. Mik wasn't classically handsome like some of the other, pretty-boy wrestlers, but he had a wicked smile and a rugged scar above his left eyebrow that gave him a dangerous edginess.
"So, do you want my autograph or something?"
Had she really been that totally obvious in checking him out? The last thing she'd wanted was to come across as some star struck fan. "I don't do autographs."
"Okay, then what can I do for you?"
"How about," she hesitated, trying to regain her composure, "what I might do for you?"
He took a moment to scan the length of her body, devouring her with dark and intense eyes. "Does it involve getting horizontal?"
"I want to fuck you to piss off Jim Kent." So much for playing it cool.
His lips parted into a smile worthy of a toothpaste commercial. "I'm always up for pissing off Kent."
"Really?" She'd expected him to laugh or come back at her with one of the zinging lines he used so frequently in front of the camera. "You mean you're okay with that?"
He shrugged and said, "You're hot. I'm horny. Works for me."
Saffron was struck speechless. "Um..." That was a first.
"Here, carry this." He handed her a plastic bag of takeout food. "I assume you're coming to my room."
"Yeah, but... hang on a minute." She went over to her car, opened the door, and leaned in to ask Ashley, "Would you mind if we stayed over?"
"I don't have enough money to get a room." Ashley looked at the purple plastic Swatch on her wrist. "You know I can't be late for work."
Saffron pulled out her wallet and tossed Ashley her just-in-case-of-an-emergency fifty. "We'll deal with it like we always do."
"What's the hold up?" Mik startled her, coming up behind her and helping himself to a handful of her ass. "Don't tell me you're reneging on your awesome offer."
"No, I was just making sure my friend didn't have to sit out here in the cold."
He looked in the car in a way she knew would make her usually timid friend all kinds of nervous. "Ashley? Long time no see."
Ashley ignored him, popping an INXS tape in the cassette deck, just as if Mik Daring wasn't even worthy of her recognition.
"Why's the deal with dissing Denny?" Mik asked, "He'd have been stoked to see you."
"You know Denny?" Saffron would have never thought that meek little Ashley, a girl who never did anything more than say hello to any of the wrestlers, seemed to have a history with one of the territory's top heels.
Ashley's right hand went to cover the wedding band on her left ring finger, a nervous habit Saffron had noticed almost from the first time they'd met about a year ago.
"When I lived in Alabama." Ashley twisted that ring so hard it was a wonder she didn't saw off her finger. "I'll tell you about it later."
"He's in room 267."
Ashley's face turned about as red as the Camaro. "Emmm... okay."
"267," Mik repeated and turned back to Saffron, singing along with INXS. "There's something about you, girl, that I'm gonna get wet."
"It's make you sweat." A rock star he wasn't—still, she had to smile. "Don't give up your wrestling gig."
"So slide over here and give me a moment. I really wanna know—"
"Did Denny and Ashley, you know, did they used to h
ook up?"
"I wasn't in the room with them to witness it." Mik laughed. "But I'd assume they weren't just playing cards and watching the Late Show all those times she came to Birmingham to see him."
"Good for them." She laughed along with him, more from nervousness than amusement. "Her husband's in prison, you know?"
"No shit?"
"He shot a woman while robbing a convenience store." Saffron shivered as a gust of wind made a futile attempt to wreak havoc on her over-sprayed hair. "I don't know why she still wears that ring. It's not like he'll be getting out anytime soon."
"You're not pen pals with his cellmate, are you?" He reached for her hand like he was going to check for a ring on her finger.
"Me? I'm about as single as a girl can get. You?"
"I'm not a commitment kind of guy." He squeezed her hand and surprised her by holding it until they got to the steps. "After you," he said, gesturing for her to lead the way up the stairs.
This time she laughed from amusement. His desire to check out her ass couldn't have been any more obvious. Saffron was glad to oblige, taking her time with each click of her ankle boots on the concrete steps.
At the top of the stairs Mik stopped in front of the vending machine and dug into his pocket for some change. "Get me a Sprite," he said. "I'll be waiting in room 269."
Chapter Two
Room 269. Saffron was not the least bit amused. She should have been excited about hooking up with Mik, not wondering exactly what was going on in Jim's room on the first floor. Probably a lot of something that had to do with part of that room number.
She popped the tab on her Diet Coke and broke off the tip of her fingernail in the process. "Oh, shit."
Saffron leaned over the railing and saw that Ashley was still in the car. If anyone needed to get laid it was poor Ashley. She took a deep breath and was just about to bang on Denny's door when Mik caught her hand in mid-knock.
"Come on already," he said, taking the bag of food.
She followed him into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, opening her purse to find an emery board to file her mangled nail.
Mik took a seat at the table by the window and unwrapped a burger. "Want a fry?"
"Gee, thanks," she said, not looking up from working on her nail.
"If I'd know I was going to be helping you piss off Jim Kent, I'd have ordered more food." He bit into his burger and chewed down a hardy bite before asking, "So, what's the deal with you and my not so esteemed colleague?"
"Nothing. Obviously nothing." She blew on her nail and put the file back in her purse. "If I drove two and a half hours to see you would you blow me off for some other girl?"
"I'll give you an answer after I see how good you are at pissing off what's-his-name."
She went over and sat down in the chair beside him. "I don't think you'll be disappointed," she said, helping herself to a French fry.
"Is Saffron your real name?"
"Why?" No one had ever called her out on her little game of make believe, and she wanted to keep her real identity safe.
"I just picture a chick named Saffron having bright red hair and a nose ring."
"Oh." She laughed, imaging her uptight parents’ reaction to her coming home with a nose ring. Double piercing her ears had been bad enough.
"Although, you do have the crocus eyes." He peered at her in a way that made her entirely uncomfortable. "Lilac contacts?"
"Yeah, but they're not just cosmetic." She bit her lip, realizing she didn't need to tell him she couldn't see three feet in front of her without the contacts or the hideous glasses hidden in her purse.
"Saffron." She liked the way he said her name, or maybe she just liked watching his mouth. "Saffron," he repeated, undressing her with his eyes. "As tasty as your spicy namesake?"
"Umm..." She helped herself to another fry to give her time to come up with an answer. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"I plan on finding out."
"Maybe you should call Denny," she said, quickly changing the subject.
"How would he know?" Mik flashed her a devilish smile. "My, how my tag team partner gets around."
"He doesn't. I mean—"
"Sorry, I'm not doing a three-way."
She felt her face flush as red as her namesake. "Not for me, for Ashley."
"I already called him. What did you think I was doing while you were getting our sodas?" Mik raised his drink in a mock toast. "I already told ya there's no one at home waiting for my calls, unlike your boy, Jimmy."
"What did he say?"
"It's Jim." She took a sip of her Diet Coke. "No, I meant Denny. You know, about Ashley?"
"What are you? Some kind of voyeur?"
"I was just curious, that's all."
"What's the deal with you and Jim?" he asked.
Saffron studied her nails, not wanting to look at him. "I think you've figured it out by now."
"Look at me when I talk to you." He reached across the table and took hold of her chin. "If you're going to chase wrestlers you've got to keep your game face on."
"I'm not a ring rat," she said, defiantly crossing her arms over her chest.
"So what if you are? That whole double standard thing is so ridiculous. We're both consenting adults, right? How old are you, anyway?"
"Old enough."
"Don't make me card you."
"I'll be twenty-two in March," she said, actually telling the truth. "And, you?"
"Twenty-four in September."
"Really?" That surprised her, she would have guessed him to be closer to thirty. "A Virgo, then?"
"September eight if you want to do my charts." His smirk let her know he was anything but serious about astrology. "Don't let the virginal part of it fool you."
"I’ve known enough Virgos to know better." Jim to be exact, but she wasn't going to name drop this time. "March eighth, so we've got that whole Pisces / Virgo opposites attract thing in perfect balance."
Mik closed the plastic food container, wiped off the table with an extra napkin, put everything in the plastic bag, and tossed it in the trashcan. A Virgo neat freak move if she'd ever seen one.
"Pisces or not, you were the hottest girl at that taping, no contest." He stood and took off his jacket, hanging it carefully on the back of his chair.
She didn't acknowledge his compliment. "Are you planning on challenging Ric Flair for the title?"
The world champion was usually the only one wearing a suit and tie after a TV taping. Most of the boys went straight to the comfort their animal print Zubaz athletic pants as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.
Mik gave her a puzzled look and said, "No, I'm happy tagging with Denny and as you put it, pissing off Jimmy. Speaking of which." He kicked back on the bed, propping up with a couple of pillows. "I bet he'd get really pissy if you got naked for me."
"Aren't you the romantic," she said, staying firmly in her chair.
"If you wanted romance you shouldn't have dropped the f-bomb on me in the parking lot." Mik took the remote off the nightstand, clicked on the TV and started channel flipping as if he'd lost interest.
"Funny, I thought you liked it when I said I wanted to fuck you."
"I'm not saying I didn't," he said, eyes still glued to the TV. "Is Letterman okay with you?"
"Do you really want to watch TV?"
"Got any better ideas?" he asked.
"Yeah, and it rhymes with duck."
He turned down the volume a few notches. "Go on and say it."
"Fuck... I wanna fuck."
He turned to her with a devilish smirk on his face. "Me or Jimmy?"
"Tell me more," he teased.
"How about I show you instead?" She crawled onto the bed on all fours and tugged on his tie. "I believe you're overdressed."
"It is starting to get kinda warm in here. I think you'd be more comfortable if," he trailed a finger deep into her cleavage, "maybe you lost this."
bsp; Her breath quickened as he unbuttoned her blouse.
"Very nice." His hand skimmed over the sheer lace of her bra, expertly popping open the front clasp.
"I wish they were bigger."
"Why? They're perfect."
His finger traced a circle around her areole, swirling around and around until her nipple jutted. He leaned closer, his breath hot against her skin. She gave a sharp intake of breath when he pulled her nipple into his mouth.
It should have felt weird, or at least uncomfortable, this being topless with a guy she'd just met doing this to her breast. Really, for Saffron, it was part of the thrill of the chase, being wanted and desired by someone like Mik. His mouth felt so good there, the way he lulled her into such a contented state of bliss with such gentle licks and kisses.
"Ooh." She startled and pulled away.
"What, you didn't like?"
"Not that rough," she said, rubbing at the bite mark just above her left areola. "That's going to leave a bruise."
"The better to annoy Jimmy." He gently kissed the mark. "I know I'd be pissed if my girl showed up with teeth marks on her tits."
"I'm nobody's girl," she said, rising to her knees, trying again to escape the heat of his mouth. His teeth grazed her nipple, teasing her with each swirl of his tongue until he finally bit into her flesh hard enough to make her gasp, this time from pleasure.
Mik slid his hands down her back and grabbed her bottom. He tugged up her skirt and smacked a butt cheek before popping the string of her thong.
"Lose the skirt." He said, leaning back against the pillows. "I want you naked."
Saffron shimmied out of a tight skirt and stood before him naked but for a lacy pink thong and matching fishnet stockings, and her boots, the grounding power of her black boots. Quite a contrast to him, still fully dressed. Instinctively, her hands went to cover her breasts.
Just like that, she dropped her hands. He had her right where he wanted her. The hungry way he looked at her made Saffron think just the opposite. He wanted her and they both knew that.