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Need You Tonight Page 3

  "It looks damn good on you, though."

  "You think?"

  "I know," he said, before going in for another kiss.

  He hadn't kissed a girl like this since high school. It seemed a lifetime ago since he'd just been Mikkel Denker. A nice Jewish kid and passable enough football player to score a few make out sessions at post-game parties. Long before he'd discovered the Deca and transformed his body to wrestle professionally. He'd thought that part of himself died the day he became Mik Daring.

  It should have disturbed him, yet oddly enough it didn't.

  Just to be sure, he kept right on kissing her. All slow and deep so that he could savor every sensation. Her mouth on his made his heart pound and his breath quicken into a weird lightheadedness. Kissing a hot naked chick on a nice comfortable bed was way better than groping around in the backseat of a car. The certainty of knowing he wouldn't have to stop made holding back all the more exciting.

  "Since you've been so obedient, now it's your turn," he said. "Tell me what you want."

  Saffron's skin flushed a delicious shade of pink and she shook her head.

  "Come on." He started kissing his way down her neck, his teeth barely grazing her flesh. "Talk to me."

  When she didn't respond, he licked at her pulse point and bit down a little harder. She grabbed on to the back of his head, her fingers locking in his hair.

  "Does that mean you want me to keep going?"

  "Yes," she whispered, her voice trembling as he took another bite.

  Mik pushed her back into the pillows. "Now, where was I?"

  "Right about there." She offered him her neck and he gladly sank his teeth into her pale flesh.

  He cupped her breasts and nibbled his way down to where his mouth met her jutting nipple.


  He did as she asked, biting deep enough to leave a nice little purple souvenir of a bruise. While he suckled on her breasts he slid a hand further down and found her so wet he easily inserted one finger and then another.

  By the time he maneuvered between her legs his fingers were slick with her sex. He rubbed her juices over her clit and bit into her inner thigh. She squealed with pleasure, arching her back and thrusting her pussy in his face. She tasted as good as she looked, all slick and soft and so open to his mouth.

  Saffron dug her fingernails into his shoulder and he knew he'd found just the right spot. There was just something about making a girl cum so hard and intense. It made his dick harden without even the slightest of touch. Her whole body tensed and she screamed again and again, almost crying in her desire.

  He kept stroking her clit as he appreciated the amazing view of the smooth plane of her stomach, the peaks of her breasts, and her face all flushed. Her lips parted and her eyes closed as she orgasmed again, so very gorgeous in her lost abandon.

  "Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck," she cried, jerking away from him.

  "I thought you'd never ask."

  The condom in his pants pocket seemed about a mile away, but he still got up to retrieve it, this time, not caring if his discarded pants fell to the floor. That's what dry cleaners were for, after all.

  Chapter Six

  Saffron opened her eyes just in time to be treated to a prime view of Mik's bare ass. And what a nice ass it was, just the right amount of round in contrast to his tapered waist and broad back.

  He tore open the condom wrapper with a devious grin. "How close am I to breaking even now?"

  "I have no idea." She hadn't expected him to go down on her like that, much less be so skilled at it. "That was...pretty damn impressive."

  "Better than your boy, Jimmy?"

  "Don't go there." No one, not even Jim, had ever made her lose it like that before.

  "How about I go here?" His hand went between her legs, reminding her of just how wet he'd gotten her.

  "Not fair." She tried to remain in control and completely in the moment. It was just so damn hard with the way his finger thumped against her clit.

  "Go with it," he said. "I want to watch you get off."

  He wasn't leaving her much choice. Not with his finger making the heat build up inside her, opening her up and making her want him like she'd never wanted anything before.

  Her head fell back against the pillows and still he didn't stop with the hand action. Instead he added to it by bending to swirl his tongue around her nipple, matching his mouth to the way his hand worked between her legs. If he kept that up....

  Saffron's pulse quickened to the point of dizziness and her whole body tensed. He must have sensed how close she was because the next thing she knew his mouth was on hers. Her orgasm started there, where it normally did, and washed over her, ending somewhere between her toes and her tongue in a huge, intense blast of ecstasy.

  It was all too intense.

  She jerked away from him, curling up her legs and clinging to the pillow to try to catch her breath.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," she whispered. "Nothing...that was so...I think we're even on the twelve now."

  "I don't think so."

  In the abandon of her pleasure, she'd kinda forgotten about getting him off. He took her hand and guided it to his rock hard erection. She was just so blissed out. So very selfishly content. No one had ever done that to her before. Left her so completely spent before even trying to fuck her.

  It was all she could to to stroke his dick while he worked open the condom wrapper. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, it seemed like he got off on it. Maybe he knew just how pliant she would be. So very open to letting him take her wherever he wanted them to go.

  He smiled down at her. "Next time I'll make you work a little harder for it."

  "Oh, yeah." Not ready to admit that she would have agreed to just about anything to get to that next time, she added, "We'll see about that."

  "I know I like what I'm seeing." There was just something about the way he looked at her, his eyes sweeping over the length of her body, which was almost as equally intense as his actual touch. "And I want to keep on seeing it."

  "Geez, just fuck me already."

  "Such a potty mouth." He bent to kiss her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear. "Fuck me."

  Mik took his sweet time in getting it in, torturing her inch by inch until she edged her hips up to force the issue. He kept it slow and easy at first, their bodies synching in a perfect rhythm—like they'd done this whole thing a time or two before and had just forgotten about it. There was none of that first time awkwardness. Everything just felt so perfectly right.

  He grabbed hold of her wrists, overpowering her with his size and strength. She gave in, not even wanting to struggle. His weight felt good. It kept her grounded, the way he had her pinned. It was nice, this not having to be the one in control. So very out of control.

  Chapter Seven

  Mik rolled over to where Saffron should have been and found nothing but empty space. The glare of florescent light filtering in from the bathroom had him ready to cut loose with a Mik the Dick worthy promo. He got a glimpse of her breasts peeking from the folds of his unbuttoned dress shirt and that that was all it took to start a whole other type of dickiness.

  "Where do you think you're going?"

  She continued getting dressed, squirming into a pair of leggings before she bent to retrieve her bra from the floor.

  "Were you just going to leave without bothering to wake me up?" he asked, surprised that he really didn't want her to go.

  He'd never fallen asleep with a girl in his room. Normally he was the one grabbing for his pants, eager for a hot shower and an empty bed upon his return. The role reversal made him uneasy in a way he hadn't expected. He pulled on the sheet, not wanting her to notice the effect she had on him.

  "I didn't want to bother you."

  Saffron sat down on the edge of the bed, still holding her bra. When she started to shrug off his shirt he reached for her arm and before he realized what he was doing, he starte
d buttoning up the shirt. His hand was shaking by the time he reached the swell of her breasts.

  "What are you doing?" She reached to stop him and their eyes met.

  "It would probably really piss Jimmy off," he fingered his initials monogramed on the shirt pocket hanging deliciously close to her left nipple, "if you showed up in Macon Friday night wearing my shirt."

  "I don't think I want to piss him off anymore." Her lips curled into a wry smile. "But, about Friday night…"

  "Do you want to go to the matches with me or just meet me here afterwards?"

  "You'd really be cool with me walking into an arena with you?" This time it was Saffron rubbing a finger over the monogram. "Wearing your shirt?"

  "Why not?" Mik took her hand. "I've told you, I'm not married and I'm not seeing anyone."

  "You know how the boys talk. They're worse gossips than girls."

  "I don't give a shit." He gave her hand a chaste kiss. "I've got nothing to hide."

  "Okay." She tilted her head as if she had to mull over her options. "I'll go to Macon with you on one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "You'll ride with me and Ashley can ride with Denny."

  "On one condition."

  She yanked her hand away from him. "What's that?"

  "Is Saffron your real name?"

  "About as real as Mik."

  "Mik is short for Mikkel."

  "What's your last name, Mikkel?"

  "I'll tell you when we go get our marriage license."

  She laughed. "Cut the crap. You don't have to lie to get in my panties."

  "I wanna keep getting in them." He ran a hand over her thigh.

  "Well, they're closed until Friday." Saffron stood, dashing any hoped he had for one more round. "I really have to go."

  "Don't I at least get a good bye kiss?"

  She turned and blew him a kiss before going out the door.

  Chapter Eight

  It would have been so easy to get back in bed with Mik. Saffron saw her empty car and wished she'd done just that. She started to walk back toward the stairs and then hesitated in front of Jim's door. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door, quickly putting her finger over the peephole.

  "Housekeeping," she called with a horribly fake Spanish accent.

  Just as she was about to leave, the door swung open. Jim stood there butt naked with his hands on his hips, glaring at her.

  "What do you want?" he asked.

  "I think it's a matter of what you're going to want now that you can't have it any more."

  "For Christ sakes, it's five am. Stop screaming at me."

  "I'm not screaming." She pushed past him and slammed the door. "Is this better?"

  "Maybe, if you'd calm down."

  "Calm down?" She paced the length of the room as if that were the very least of her concerns. "You picked some other skank over me and now you want me to be all nice and chill just like it never happened."

  "If I'd known you were coming I wouldn't have made other plans."

  "I didn't think I'd be able to get off work early, but I did, and—"

  "Getting off is exactly what you need."

  "I've already gotten off. Plenty of times, if you must know."

  "Oh, really?" Their eyes met in the mirror and that weird understanding they had always had passed between them. "Maybe you should tell me all about it."

  He tried to snake his arm around her waist, but this time she wasn't having it. Not anymore. Not after what had just happened with Mik.

  She turned around to face him, her eyes dropping to his less than impressive flaccid penis. "You know, your dick might look a little bigger if you lost a few pounds."

  "You've never complained about it before."

  "That was before I met Mik Daring."

  Jim snorted with laughter. "You've got to be kidding me. Mik the Dick."

  "Let's just say I now know the real reason he got that title."

  "Yeah, because he's an arrogant prick."

  "With a dick like he's got," Saffron looked at Jim's limp dick and laughed, "he's got every right to be arrogant."

  Jim reached for her shirt, obviously just now noticing the MD monogram on the pocket.

  She smacked his hand away. "Not anymore you don't."

  "Relax." He backed away, holding up his hands. "I don't know why we can't sit down and discuss this whole thing like rational adults—that is if you want me to take you seriously."

  "There's nothing to discuss. Not any more."


  Saffron screamed and held her hands over her ears. "Do not go there."

  "You're acting like an immature brat."

  "You're the one standing around naked."

  "Hang on." Jim bent over his suitcase, inadvertently mooning her in the process. "I'll get dressed."

  "Don't bother." Sarah's burning eyes were the only thing that distracted her from planting the pointy toe of her boot straight up his ass.

  He turned around to face her, holding a t-shirt in front of him to cover his privates. "That shit doesn't work with me. I know you can cry on cue."

  "I'm not fucking crying."

  Saffron went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She knocked over a bottle of his cologne in her haste to dig the case for her contact lenses out of her purse. The once pleasant scent nearly made her gag as she leaned over the sink to pop out her contacts.

  "Crying, my ass," she said to herself in the mirror. "I've shed my last tear over Jim Kent."

  She yanked up her hair and secured a ponytail with an obnoxiously loud yellow scrunchie. Not caring about preserving her makeup, she splashed cold water on her face and put on her glasses. It wasn't that she wanted to see him, but her vision was so bad that without her glasses she'd look like a total klutz trying to make it out to her car.

  Saffron almost doubled over with laughter when she returned to find Jim decked on in zebra print Zubaz, a t-shirt telling her to Don't Worry Be Happy, and a fanny pack in his hand.

  "What's so damn funny?" he asked.

  "You," She couldn't help but shake her head, “and maybe the person who cuts your hair."

  He ran a hand through his shellacked, long in the back/short and spiky in the front, bleached blond mullet. "I thought you liked my hair."

  "Someday maybe we'll both look back on your lack of fashion sense and have a good laugh. Until then," she pointed to his shirt, "take your own advice and don't worry, be happy."

  Chapter Nine

  Saffron pulled a folded piece of paper out from beneath her windshield wiper and laughed when she say Ashley's simple message—Gonna live my life—signed with a smiley face.

  "You and me both, girl."

  She dug in her purse for a pen, scribbled her own smiley face and tucked the note back into place. Her stomach growled, reminding her that this whole living her life thing should probably start with a good breakfast. She went across the street to the Waffle House and took a seat at the counter.

  There was no need for a menu.

  "I'll have a large orange juice and a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich," she said to the waitress. "No, wait, make that two and I'll get them to-go."

  She could have gone to the bathroom while she waited. This time she decided to forgo her regular routine of putting in the contacts, brushing out her hair, and redoing her makeup. Instead of bothering with all that, she just sat at the counter and sipped the orange juice.

  "Here you go, hon." The waitress handed her a bag.

  "I'd better get another OJ," she said, smiling at the waitress as she paid. "Keep the change."

  Saffron practically skipped back to the motel and went up the stairs straight to room 269.

  She gave a brisk knock and waited, her heart hammering against the crisp linen of Mik's shirt, as the seconds ticked away. What if he didn't answer?

  "Room service," she called out, knocking a little more meekly the second time around.

  Finally, he cracked the door open. "I didn'
t know this place had room service."

  She reached out the bag and he took it, immediately closing the door.

  "What the fuck," she said, staring at the 269 lettering in disbelief.

  Mik opened the door and give her a devious smile. "Just kidding, come on in." He ushered her into the room. "I never turn down breakfast in bed, especially if it's a hot chick doing the serving."

  "It's not much." Saffron took a nervous sip of her orange juice. "I hope you don't mind me coming back."

  "Not at all. I like the naughty school girl look." He nodded with approval. "Although, next time play it up a little more for me with a short skirt and no panties."

  She watched him walk over to the bed, admiring the way those black Calvin Klein undies hugged his ass. Out of habit she reached for her hair, forgetting she'd left it up.

  He took a seat on the bed and held open the sheet for her to join him.

  "It's not a look, this is the real me," she hesitated, and then decided to just come clean. "My real name is Sar—"

  "I don't care," he said. "It's just a name. When you're with me, you can be whoever you want to be, as long as I'm the person you really want to be with."

  "Okay," she said, taking a seat beside him.

  "Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy pissing off Jimmy, but—"

  "There's no one else I want to be with." Her hand shot to her mouth and she wondered if maybe she might have said too much.

  He unwrapped the sandwich and before taking a bite, asked, "How did you know this is what I always order?"

  "Just a lucky guess, I guess."

  Mik raised his sandwich in a mock toast and then offered her a bite.

  "What?" She felt her cheeks flush from his inquisitive gaze.

  He reached and wiped a trace of melted cheese from her lip. She licked his finger and he leaned in to kiss her breathless.

  "Saffron," he said. "Irresistibly spicy, yet so damn sweet. Yeah, it definitely fits."

  "Good, 'cause from now on I'm gonna live my life on my own terms."

  "As long as I'm there living it with ya."